.... "If the brain was so simple that we could understand it, then we would be so simple that we couldn't." -- Emerson M. Pugh


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Monday, September 22, 2008

Science Online '09

"Science Online '09," new name for the formerly "North Carolina Science Blogging Conference" will have its third outing, and biggest extravaganza yet, this coming Jan. 16-18 at the Sigma Xi Center in Research Triangle Park, N.C. This is a get-together for bloggers, educators, journalists, students, and any others who have an interest in science communication in the digital age. Each year it grows larger and gets better, with a wide-range of talks, sessions, and attendees... and best of all, it's FREE!!
If it's something you may have interest in attending, start here for more info or to register. Even though it is many months off, be aware that registration is limited and could fill up well ahead of the January dates. A chance to meet some of your favorite bloggers, get energized about science communication, and learn-from/socialize-with some like-minded folks. Come for all the free swag :-), stay for the learning and camaraderie.

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